Lenny Montgomery

Official Website of Science Fiction Writer Lenny Montgomery
Author of "Veritas"
Author of

Hi, I am Lenny Montgomery. I was born in 1982 and live in Edinburgh, Scotland. I have been writing since I was five years old, perhaps even younger - if scribbling on things counts. I wrote mostly historical fiction, set in one of my favourite eras - the First World War, and the years immediately after - but, around my 30th birthday, I fell in love with Star Trek which started me off reading more science fiction than I had previously. I was captivated by the freedom for writing in this genre and began researching for the idea which was growing in my mind, which became Veritas and the In Partes Ignotas series.
I have a box full of story ideas just waiting to be written which is stashed under the bed.
I also write in Scottish Gaelic and am working on a collection of short Sci-Fi stories
The storyline and characters are amazing...make you think and feel sorry for the characters at times. Sometimes it will make you laugh, go "awww" or cry!
I love the way past and present are totally connected, and the impact this has on the characters
I honestly love that you put a human story inside a genre element...that's my kind of story